"Just as within nature, leaves fall and leaves grow; light changes throughout the day. the development of my paintings is a constant change in the way I manipulate the surface.”

Tiel Seivl-Keevers

Tiel Seivl-Keevers
Foundation Artist

Tiel Seivl-Keevers

Mixed media artist, Tiel Seivl-Keevers is a multidisciplinary artist whose current works encompass paintings, ceramics, digital displays, and textiles.

Based in Brisbane, Tiel has been a full-time practicing artist for the last 18 years with a career in the Arts, Design, and Education for over 25 years. She graduated in the early 90s with a Visual Arts degree majoring in printmaking at QUT.

Tiel explores concepts of memory and impermanence in relation to specific topographical journeys. A large focus of her work is based on the natural surroundings between Brisbane and Tweed Heads where she resides.

With her curiosity in using various media as a form of expression, Tiel manipulates surfaces by adding and removing marks to reflect seasonal and cyclical changes.

She focuses on the landscapes’ intricacies, which can only be seen by immersing herself into an area where she then interprets the essence and mood of being within a place whilst appreciating the constant impermanence of life.

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